Ethereum: Unable to make a MARKET order on Spot Test Network on Binance. Empty JSON is returned

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Ethereum’s market order failed: a market order cannot be made on the spot test network (STN) in Binance

As Ethereum developer, it is likely not alien to the complexities of working with different blockchain platforms. In this article, we will deepen why you could experience problems making a market order on the spot test network (STN) in Binance. We will explore if your market orders are really running and providing guidance on how to solve the problem.

The problem: You cannot make a market order at STN

When trying to make a market order in STN using postman or any other API client, he is likely to receive an empty JSON answer. This problem may seem disconcerting, especially if your orders usually succeed.

Let’s break down the possible reasons for this problem:

  • Limitations of API : Binance can have API rate limits in place that prevent you from executing multiple market orders within a short period. This could be due to high traffic or concurrent applications.

  • Stn integration problems : STN remains a relatively new platform, and its integration with external API such as Binance may not be completely proven or optimized. This could lead to problems trying to execute market orders.

  • Order type : Market orders can be difficult to work in STN. You may have to use specific types of orders (for example, limit orders) that are not compatible with the platform.

Was your order executed?

Market orders generally imply an offer differential, which can lead to sliding and liquidity problems. In some cases, its market order can be successfully executed, but Binance’s response could still indicate a problem. This is what you need to know:

* Binance response

: When Binance receives a request from a market order in STN, they will try to execute it using their internal algorithms and liquidity groups. If you succeed, Binance will return an empty JSON answer that indicates that the order was executed.

* Status of your order : The status of your order can be indicated additionally by additional information provided in the API response, such as ‘StatusO'R full’.

How can you solve the problem?

To return to your market orders and make sure they are running successfully at STN, follow these steps:

  • Verify the Binance API documentation : Be sure to understand the requirements to make market orders in STN and follow your documented guidelines.

  • Check the API rate limits : Verify that its current rate limit does not exceed the maximum allowed for market orders in STN (for example, 100 per minute).

  • Use specific order types : Try to use specific order types, such as limit or ‘stop -los”, to see if you solve any problem.

  • Monitor the status of your order : be attentive to the status of your order and adjust your strategies accordingly.

  • Contact Binance support

    Ethereum: Unable to make a MARKET order on Spot Test Network on Binance. Empty JSON is returned

    : If you are still experiencing problems, contact the Binance support team to get help.


Making a market order on the SPOT test network (STN) can be a challenge due to API rate limits and integration problems. By understanding the possible reasons behind your response JSON empties and after these problems of problem solving, you should be able to solve the problem and re -execute successful market orders in STN. Remember to stay informed about the documentation of the Binance API and maintain your updates to ensure optimal performance.

I hope this article helps you address the problem with your market orders in the points test network!

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