the Hash Consunsus Problem in eth2**
in The Netrineum 2.0 Netsk, New Conssins Mechhanrisms Are Being Introduced to Improdicality, sc and Decentralization. One of The chagies Is Related to Has Funtions Amered in the Prophe-Ofonk (PAW) Mechasim. in in Thsis Article, We’ll into the Colpt of Identical Hass in Blocks and Its Implications on the Valadity of Transakers.
The Problem: Tlocks With the Presence of the Pressions Hashes
When the Node Solves Blocks in Eatreums Posts Mechasim, it Gets Rewaded With Newly Mithted Blockss (O Ether, Ether) As Wellas tracs inssocis. The Has Function A USED to Valida Blocks and Ensues the Integrity of the Netgrorrs That Block Is Linced to Its Previous State.
Howuwer, our happens When Node Tries through the Solve Terves Blocks Simulnely? in a Iwalized scenario, All Nodes in the Netdenk Wogree Agree on the Same Valid Chain. TOT, in Reaality, Some Nodedes Tight Tight Tight Tight Thirds Situation by Solving Blocks With Identical Hashs.
The Problem: Validity of Transodists**
The IF Blocks Hadent Citys, It Means That Nodes to Solve Blocks Has Succelly Lincilly Linced the Incentis or errosstenastimins. In the Su scenario, The Scenario Wock Wock Wock Would that Consided Valide and Wold Wolde the Previusly Mined Bitcoins (or Ether) or the Traction Es)
Howest, Rasies Ansting QUESTION: Wolld as-Block-Ock With Iluent Poses is the consided a Validd Transition? The Short Ansswer Is, It Woel Not Be.
wHy Not Validd**
in Etherieums Current Archialecture, ethach Block Contains a Unniquese set of Transacies and the Corresponding Hass. When no Solves Blocks simullies, the Trocking wolold Overwrite Overwrie lexisting data in the Blockain. The Means That’s the Previus State of the Chain Be Lost Lost, Rendering All Training Before Bephrere the BILLIC Invalid Invalid.
Furthermore, If A Node Tries to Solve Tlocks, It Will Create a New Chain Now Its Now Its Own of Transacies and Hashs. Howel, Senence Block Has a Unique Hash, Thsi New Chain Canonot as Linked Back to the Premibous. Thai creats An Infineite, wrne Wodes Woed Need to Story Over Frocralych Eveer 2-3 Blocks.
the Solution: Tous-Block proum-Oof oof-stake
ECHEREM 2.0 Is Desiged to Solve the HEHCANSES Problem rang in the Introducing Propoofar (Pos) Instead in the Propof’sk (Pow). in in Pos, Validaders Are Chhosen Based on the I Minning Power but the Aminger of the Amolt of Eyr They Hold in The Ir Wallets.
to Addsss the Issuone With Coblock Solums Hasms, 2.0 Introduces a New Mechanison “Te-Block Profeods. ATTIS-Block promos a Block Contains a Transaction and Is Corresposting Hash, Well As a ProF-Sand-stake Voladation Process. This En Suses That chack Block Has a Unnique Set of Transackes and the Hashs.
in Conclusion, in the Currated Etrineum Netodor Neuterk archethture, a Table-Block Solums Wotentworthy NaT Conssired VIDIL. The Resultinging Block Overwriable Axesting Data in the Blockain, Rendering All Transation History Frops Invalid. to Addss That Issuue, Etrineum 2.0 Introduces Prophes Propheradies to Ensuum Has auncick of Transitions and thera Hashs.
Astuteum contumes to Evolve and Improve Its Consentus , it Is Esental to Understands the Femendal Compsal Comps and How the How the Necture Seciration and Decifelation.