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Ethereum: Python Binance Market Order Issues
As a trader Howver In this article, I’ll outline the problem and provide of solutions.
The Issue
My algorithm is designed to Automatical Place Market Orders on Ethereum Exchanges like Binance. The code snippe below illstrates a simple example of houses:
Import Time
DEF place_market_order (order_type, sidepe):
URL = F " ptsymbol &interval=1m&limit=100"
params = {
"Symbol": Exchange_symbol,
"Interval": "1M",
"Limit": 100
response = requests.get (URL, headers = {"conten-type": "Application/json"}, params = params)
Data = Response.json ()
If order_type == "Buy":
For I In Range (N (Data)):
if data [i] ["close"]> Price and Side == "Buy":
Place Themarket Buy Order
order_id = data [i] [ID "]
trade_id = place_order (order_id, exchange_symbol, side)
Print (F "Order Placed SuccessFullly: Order ID - {Trade_id}")
elif order_type == "sell":
For I In Range (N (Data)):
if data [i] ["close"]
Place Themarket Order
order_id = data [i] [ID "]
trade_id = place_order (order_id, exchange_symbol, side)
Print (F "Order Placed SuccessFullly: Order ID - {Trade_id}")
Execpt Requists.Exceptions.RequestException as e:
Print (F "Request Exception: {E}))
Def Place_ORDER (Order_id, Symbol, Side):
Simulate Placing an Order
Time.Sleep (1)
Simulate Trade Execution Delay
Return Order_id
Exchange_symbol = "ETH-BTC"
Price = 2000.0
Current Price of the Asset
Side = "Buy"
Buy or Sell
Place Themarket Buy and Sell Orders
Place_market_order ("Buy", Side)
Place_market_ORDER ("Sell, Sidee)
In this code snippet, We will retrieved the retrieved and the trades use `Place_order)
The problem
Howver, I’ve encuncted an issue with this code snippt. The problem arises wen executing multiple and simultane or at shortaneous (e.g., every millisecond). This can lead to:
To resolve this issue, I recommend implementing the following solutions:
– s). This lock reduce the number of requests made to the api.
Conclusion *
To resolve my python binance label Issuli Issuli and prevent Similar Problems in the future, I plan to implement of the butch placement and orderitization of Python. By doing so