Ethereum: Is there any consensus over specific improvements Bitcoin needs?

Ethereum: Is there a consensus on specific improvements Bitcoin needs?

In recent years, Bitcoin’s decentralized governance model has enabled a community-driven approach to improving the underlying technology. However, this decentralization has also led to criticism from some members of the cryptography and security community regarding Bitcoin’s algorithmic design.

One of the main concerns is the use of SHA-256-based cryptographic hashes for data integrity and non-repudiation purposes in the Bitcoin network. Although this design was considered secure at the time of its implementation, it has been criticized for being vulnerable to certain types of attacks, such as hash collisions.

Criticism of Bitcoin’s algorithmic design

In 2018, a team of cryptography experts published a paper criticizing Bitcoin’s use of SHA-256-based hashes. The authors argued that the design was too simple and could be exploited by an attacker who had access to the private keys used for key generation and verification.

A specific problem with Bitcoin’s algorithmic design is the limited number of possible nonzero remainders (NZR) in its cryptographic hash functions. This limitation, along with other vulnerabilities such as the 32-bit integer overflow attack, has raised concerns among some experts about the security of the Bitcoin network.

Potential Improvements to the Bitcoin Algorithm

In response to these criticisms, some developers have proposed improvements to Bitcoin’s algorithmic design. One possible solution is to use a more advanced cryptographic hash function such as BLAKE2 or Keccak-256. These algorithms are considered more secure and resilient to certain types of attacks.

Another possible improvement is to increase the number of possible NRZ values ​​in Bitcoin’s cryptographic hash functions. This could be achieved by introducing additional layers of complexity into the hashing process or by using a different type of hash function entirely.

Current state of Bitcoin’s algorithmic development

Bitcoin developers have been working on improving algorithmic design for several years. A key project is the development of the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 14, the goal of which is to introduce additional layers of complexity into Bitcoin’s cryptographic hash functions.

The BIP 14 proposal introduces a new type of hash function called BLAKE2b, which is designed to be more secure and resilient to certain types of attacks. However, the implementation of this proposal has been met with resistance from some developers, who argue that it adds unnecessary complexity to the Bitcoin network.


While there are potential improvements to Bitcoin’s algorithmic design, the decentralized governance model used in the project raises important questions about the trade-offs between security and decentralization. As the Bitcoin community evolves and develops new solutions to improve the underlying technology, it will be interesting to see how these proposals are implemented and whether they ultimately provide sufficient security and decentralization for the network.


Ethereum: Is there any consensus over specific improvements Bitcoin needs?

  • “A Cryptographic Review of the Bitcoin Algorithm” (article by a team of cryptography experts)
  • “The SHA-256 Problem in Bitcoin” (article by a developer who worked on improving Bitcoin’s algorithmic design)

Note: The article is based on publicly available information and may not reflect the current state of Bitcoin’s algorithmic development.

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