Ethereum: Use of Get_orderbook_tickers' to obtain submission prices / Ask a specific symbol
TheGet_orderbook_Tickers’ method in Ethereum API allows you to recover the command book for a specific symbol (in this case, BTCUSDT). However, when you specify the symbol, it is not as simple as using the default symbols. In this article, we will explore how to use Get_orderbook_tickers' with a personalized symbol.
Why are personalized symbols important
When you use the default symbols (for example, BTC, USDT), the order book is dynamically built according to market conditions and liquidity pools. For personalized symbols like BTCUSDT, you must predeterize the command book with the desired data before making requests.
Example of use cases: Getting prices of offer / Request for BTCUSDT
Let's say that you want to recover Bid and ask for prices for Bitcoin (BTC) in USD TETHER (USDT). You can use the following code extract:
from the ethclient import client
Initializing the customer
Customer = Customer ()
Get the command book for the personalized symbol (BTCUSDT)
order_book = customer.get_orderbook_tickers ("btcusdt")
Print the offer and require prices
For entry into order_book.entries:
print (f "bid: {entry.price}, ask: {entry.price}")
In this example, we use theGet_orderbook_tickers’ method with the personalized” BTCUSDT “symbol. The function returns a list of entries, where each input represents a position of command book. We reduce the entries and print the offer and ask for prices.
Personalization of the order book
When you want to customize the command book for a specific symbol (for example, using a different pair or asset), you can send additional arguments to the Get_orderbook_tickers method. Here are some examples:
* Symbol : Pass a personalized symbol name instead of using the default symbols.
order_book = customer.get_orderbook_tickers ("btcusdt", symbols = ["btcusdt", "ethusdt"])))
* PriceType
: Specify the price type for each entry into the order book (for example, BID, ASSE or DEPONT).
order_book = customer.get_orderbook_tickers ("btcusdt", price_type = "bid")
* Marketerderonly : set to "True" to recover only market orders, without any special flag.
order_book = customer.Get_orderbook_tickers ("btcusdt", market_only = true)
Using correct settings and customizing the command book with your desired data, you can create a robust and flexible API to recover Bid prices / Ask specific symbols on Ethereum blockchain.
Additional resources
For more information onget_orderbook otickers’ and other Ethereum APIs, please refer to the following resources:
- [Documentation of Ethereum API] (
- [Ethers.js] ( API documentation
- [Eth-client] ( github restitory
I hope this will help you start using `Get_orderbook_tickers’ for specific symbols in your Ethereum applications!