Ethereum: How to retrieve POST data that contains JSON

Fetching POST Data from JSON on Ethereum

As a Coinbase user, you probably already know how to post data to your website using POST requests. However, when it comes to fetching values ​​sent from your website, things get complicated. In this article, we’ll show you how to fetch POST data containing JSON on Ethereum.

Understanding POST and JSON Requests

A POST request is a type of HTTP request that sends data from one server to another. When sending data on the Ethereum network, including Coinbase, data is typically sent using WebSockets or WebRTC connections.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data exchange format commonly used to transfer data between servers and clients. In Ethereum, JSON data can be sent as part of the payload of a POST request.

IPNs and Callbacks

Before you can delve into downloading JSON data, you need to understand the principles of Internet Protocol (IPN) negotiation and callbacks. IPNs allow web applications to communicate with each other over the internet without having to use traditional HTTP requests. Callbacks allow an application to perform a function in response to a specific event.

In the case of Ethereum, IPNs can be used to transfer data from one application to another, including sending JSON data as part of a POST request.

Downloading POST Data Using JSON

To download POST data containing JSON to Ethereum, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create an IPN connection: You need to establish an IPN connection between your nodes. Coinbase and the server running your website. network. This will allow both systems to communicate over the internet.
  • Send a POST request: Use your application’s WebSocket or WebRTC connection. to send a POST request with JSON data to the server on your website. network.
  • Callback Handling

    : When the server responds, it includes an IPN event in the response body. You can use this event to retrieve the JSON data sent by your node. Cryptocurrency base.

Here is a JavaScript example that shows how to handle an IPN callback and retrieve POST data using JSON:

// Configure an IPN connection

const ipnConnection = new WebIPNC({

node: "

callbackUrl: "/callback"


// Send a POST request with JSON data

ipnConnection.sendPost('POST', {

key: "YOUR_API_KEY",


data: { foo: 'bar' }

}, (event) => {

// Handle IPN callback

if (event type === 'IPN') {

const postData = event.payload;

console.log(postData); // Display JSON data sent by Coinbase

// Parse JSON data and retrieve specific values

const json = JSON.parse(;

const fooValue =;

const barValue =;

console.log(Foo Value: ${fooValue}, Bar Value: ${barValue});




Fetching JSON POST data on Ethereum can be complicated, but if you follow the steps below and use the correct IPN calls, you should be able to send and receive JSON data as part of your Coinbase node POST requests. Be sure to handle each IPN callback separately and parse the JSON data appropriately.

If you are still having trouble, you may want to reach out for additional help or check out additional resources on the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem.

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