Ethereum: How to learn to query the block chain?

Ethereum: A Beginner’s Guide to Blockchain Queries

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, understanding how the blockchain works is essential for making informed investment and project decisions. A key aspect of this is querying the blockchain, which allows you to access and analyze data about transactions, addresses, and other relevant information. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of Ethereum queries and provide examples of how to execute different queries.

What does a query mean in blockchain?

In Ethereum, a query refers to a specific request that retrieves specific data from the blockchain. By querying the blockchain, you can gain insight into the behavior of your assets over time, identify trends, and optimize your investment decisions.

Basic Query Functions in Ethereum

To get started with querying the Ethereum blockchain, you’ll need to understand the basic functions offered by the Solidity programming language used on the network. These functions allow you to interact with the blockchain’s data storage and retrieval mechanisms.

Here are some of the most common query functions:

  • eth_getBlockByHash(): Retrieves a block by its hash.
  • eth_getTransactionCount(): Returns the number of transactions in a given block or in the entire blockchain.
  • eth_getTransactionCountOfAddress(): Returns the number of transactions for a given address.
  • eth_getAddress(): Retrieves address information, including state and transaction history.
  • eth_getBlockHeaderByNumber(): Retrieves the block header by its hash.

Sample Query: Find X Transactions Over Time

We use these functions to query the Ethereum blockchain and find out how many addresses have had X transactions over time.

1. Find the Average Size of Bitcoin Transactions

To find the average size of Bitcoin transactions, we can query the eth_getBlockByHash() function for each block in the Bitcoin blockchain and calculate the total value of all transactions in each block.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract AverageTransactionSize {

uint256 public bitcoinTransactionSize;

address public bitcoinAddress;

mapping(uint256 => uint256) public transactionCounter;

function __init(address _bitcoinAddress) public {

bitcoinAddress = _bitcoinAddress;


function query() public returns (uint256, uint256) {

for (address _bitcoinAddress in bitcoinAddress) {

// Query the Bitcoin blockchain

uint256 blockHash = tx.origin; // Replace with your current transaction data

// Get the total value of transactions in this block

uint256 totalValue = 0;

for (uint256 i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { // Switch to a reasonable number of transactions per block

uint256 transactionHash = txhash(blockHash, i);

transactionCounts[transactionHash] += tx.value * i;

totalValue += tx.value * i;


// Calculate the average transaction size

bitcoinTransactionSize += (totalValue / 10) * i;




2. Find the number of addresses with X transactions

Ethereum: How to learn to query the block chain?

To find the number of addresses with X transactions, we can query the eth_getBlockByHash() function for each block in the Ethereum blockchain and count the number of addresses in each block.


pragma strength ^0.8.

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