Ethereum: Binance API : How i get Price Digits and Lots size Digits

Receiving numbers of price and party size from API Binance

As a cryptocurrency developer, access to market data in real time is crucial for the creation of reliable trade systems. In this article, we will examine how to get numbers of price and batch size numbers from the API Binance interface using their “Exchangeinfo” end point.

receiving the answer “Exchangeinfo”

The ending point “Exchangeinfo” is returned by a JSON object containing various exchange information, including a symbol, exchange name, base currency, quote currency and many others. Here is an example of what the answer may look like:



"Symbol": "Ltcusdt",

"Baskethal": "USD",

"Cytics": "ETH",

"ISPAIR": False,

"Exchangeinfo": {

"ID": "10,000,000",

"Name": "binance",

"description": "",

"Type": "Exchange",

"Currency": "USDT"


"Apiversion": 3


price numbers

Ethereum: Binance API : How i get Price Digits and Lots size Digits

To separate the price numbers, you can use the “symbol” and “Basecurrency” fields. For example:


const symbol = 'ltcusdt';

Const Basecurrency = "USD";

Const ExchangeinforessSponse = {

// assuming that this is a real JSON object containing the API answer


// Assuming that the price field includes the current market price in USD

Const price = ExchangeinforessSponse.apiinfo.price;

console.log (Current price $ {symbol} in $ {Basecurrency}: $ {price});

numbers of plot size

To separate the batch size digits, you can use the “lott” answer. For example:


const symbol = 'ltcusdt';

Const Basecurrency = "ETH";

Const ExchangeinforessSponse = {

// assuming that this is a real JSON object containing the API answer


// Assuming that the plot field contains the current party size in ETH

Const Lots = ExchangeinforessSponse.apiinfo.lots;

console.log (current size of the $ batch {symbol} in $ {bascurrency}: $ {flight});


Sample code

Here is an example fragment of the code that shows how to separate the number of price and batch size using Javascript:


Get 5 function

Const ExchangeinforessSponse = {

apiinfo: {





// assuming that the API answer is the JSON object

Const Apossion = ExchangeinforessSponse.apiinfo.version;

Const endpoint = {symbol};

Fetch (end point)

.Ten (answer => response.json ())

.Ten (Data => {

Const price = data.apiinfo.price;

console.log (Current price $ {symbol} in $ {Basecurrency}: $ {price});


.catch (error => console.error ('error:', error));


Getotsedigits function (symbol, Basecurrency) {

Const ExchangeinforessSponse = {

apiinfo: {





// assuming that the API answer is the JSON object

Const Apossion = ExchangeinforessSponse.apiinfo.version;

Const endpoint = {symbol};

Fetch (end point)

.Ten (answer => response.json ())

.Ten (Data => {

Const lots = data.apiinfo.lots;

console.log (current size of the $ batch {symbol} in $ {bascurrency}: $ {flight});


.catch (error => console.error (‘error:’, error));


Get Cequedigits (“Ltcusdt”, “USD”);

Getotsedigits (“Ltcusdt”, “ETH”);


To sum up, to get numbers of prices and the size of the party from the API Binance interface using their “Exchangeinfo” endpoint, you can use the “symbol” and “baskethal” fields. Then you can extract these values ​​using the JavaScript function or by parsing the JSON object directly.

Note : The above code fragments are used only for demonstration purposes and may not work in production due to security restrictions. Always make sure you have obtained appropriate authorization and certificates before submitting the API applications.

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