Create a raw poor transaction from scratch: understand the check (multi) sig operation
As Bitcoin MainNet develops further, new features such as segregated witness (Segwit) and multiple signature wallets are becoming more and more important. One of the main aspects of these updates is the check (multi) SIG operation, which allows for safer and more efficient transaction control. However, understanding how this process works from scratch can be a bit impressive for beginners.
In this article, we are immersed in the world of Segwit transactions, explicitly exploring how to create raw segwit transactions from Testnet from scratch and a check (multi) SIG operation.
What is the raw segwit transaction?
Before we get into the process, it is essential to understand what the raw Segwit transaction looks like. The raw Segwit transaction is a binary encoded message that represents the status of the Bitcoin blockchain block. This format is designed to be more efficient and safer than traditional Merkle Tree-based transactions.
The check (more) SIG action
The check (multi) SIG operation is a key step in checking the Segwit transactions signature scheme. It ensures that the number of signatures required is present, making it difficult for the attacker to forge or violate the transaction.
To perform a check (multiple) SIG operation:
- Create a new “Segwitterransection” object using the
Bitcoin :: SegWit :: Create_new_new_transection
- Set the necessary signatures at “set_multisig_secret” and “set_signatures” on the transaction.
Create a raw segwit transaction from scratch
Here’s an example code detail in C ++ showing how to create a raw segwit transaction from scratch:
int main () {
// Create a new bitcoin transaction using Bitcoin :: SegWit :: Create_new_transection.
Segwit :: Transaction TX;
if (tx.create (new std :: string (“testnet”), 0, 0)) {
Bitcoin_log_error (“Unable to create a transaction”);
// Set the necessary signatures
Segwit :: Signatures Sigs = Bitcoin :: Segwit :: Create_signatures (Tx.get_hash (), 2);
tx.set_multisig_secret (sigs);
// Create a new raw segwit transaction object.
Segwit :: Transaction RAW_TX = Segwit :: Make_raw_transection (TX, 0);
Return 1;
Bitcoin_log_debug (“Successful Raw Segwit Transaction”);
Return 0;
Perform the check (multi) SIG operation
To execute the check (multi) SIG operation, you need to create a new “SegWit :: Transection” object with the “Bitcoin ::: SegWit :: Create_new_transection” function and set the necessary signatures. Here is an example of code detail:
int main () {
// Create a new bitcoin transaction using Bitcoin :: SegWit :: Create_new_transection.
Segwit :: Transaction TX;
if (tx.create (new std :: string (“testnet”), 0, 0)) {
Bitcoin_log_error (“Unable to create a transaction”);
// Set the necessary signatures
Segwit :: Signatures Sigs = Bitcoin :: Segwit :: Create_signatures (Tx.get_hash (), 2);
tx.set_multisig_secret (sigs);
// Do a check (multiple) SIG action.
bool found_all_sigs = false;
while (!
Bitcoin_log_debug (“check (multi) SIG operation:”);
Segwit :: Transaction New_tx = Segwit :: Make_raw_transection (TX, 0);
// Check that the necessary signatures are in the new transaction.
Segwit :: signatures sigs_new;
if (new_tx.get_signatures (sigs_new)) {
Bitcoin_log_debug (“Check (Multi) SIG operation: Find all the necessary signatures.