I can help you in an article on how to continue the web3 provider in Redux.
Title: Continuation of Web3 Provider in Redux: Guide
Web3 service providers are essential to interacting with decentralized applications (DAPP) and services. In this article, we will look at how the Web3 provider saves on Redux, ensuring that it continues with different parts of your application. We also discuss the use of Web3Auth in Google Sign -in and other common cases.
Why save a web3 service provider in Redux?
Recording a Web3 provider in Redux allows you to share the space between components without revealing sensitive information. This is especially useful when working with DAPPs that require multiple services such as web3 authentication and recording.
Step 1: Discount Web3Provider in your app
First of all, you need to initiate the Web3 provider in your application. You can do this by creating a web3
example and moving it to the” bidder “component.
Bring web3 from web3;
Const Web3 = New Web3 (Window.ethereum);
Step 2: Save the Web3 Provider to Redux
You can save a web3 service provider to Redux, you can use the Redux-Store package. You must install it first using:
NPM Installation Redux store
Then create a new file called store.js
and add the following code:
Import {createstore, from the composition} ‘redux’;
Bring web3provider from ‘./Web3provider’;
Const Store = Caretestore (
combbinereducers ({web3: web3provider}),
Compose ([Window .__ Redux_devtools_Extension_Commonse], Window .__ Redux_devtools_Extension__))))))
Take the default shop;
In this code:
- We use the
function to create a combined reduction that includes both” Web3 “and Redux mode.
- We will ignore the web3 service provider as the “Web3” key in a combined clinker.
Step 3: Use the Web3 Provider in different parts of your application
Now you can use the web3 service provider in different parts of the application. For example:
Import react, {user} ‘reacts’;
Import reaction ‘react-dom’;
Bring {Service Provider} ‘./Web3Provider’;
Const app = () => {
Const [status, settate] = use ({web3: null});
Useeffect (() => {
Const service provider = new web3 (Window.ethereum);
.Settate ((prevstate) => ({… prevstate, web3: service provider}));
}, []);
return (
{/ Application content goes here /}
ReactDom.render (
In this code:
- We use the “Use” hook to save the Web3 Provider in Redux mode.
- We create an
hook that will provide the web3 service provider’s manifestation when the application is installed.
Using Web3Auth for Google Login
When using the web3Auth, you need to process the authentication current and obtain access ID. You can do this by inviting the ‘login method’ Web3Provider ‘:
Bring web3Auth ‘web3Auth’;
Const login = async () => {
Const service provider = new web3 (Window.ethereum);
Try {
Const Account = wait for the service provider.getaccount ();
// Use an entry ID to interact with DAPP
} catch (error) {
Console.error (error);
Recording a Web3 service provider in Redux allows you to continue it in different parts of the application. By following these steps, you can use the “Web3Provider” event as needed throughout your application. Be sure to process the authentication flow and get an entry ID when using web3Auth for Google.
I hope this article has helped!